Three's a trio, never a crowd...
In the world of Classical Music, three is never a crowd. In fact, it's a trio! So, joining Beethoven and Tchaikovsky to complete the first trio of composers in our 'Chill Series' is the one and only Mozart.
Targeted towards a younger generation, the ‘Chill Series’ aims to inspire a newfound love of the Classical genre. With pop-art inspired artwork and colloquial album titles like ‘Mozart and Chill’, the series subverts traditional Classical stereotypes to create a concept that’s bold, brave and, most importantly, engaging and current.
What’s more, our all-encompassing ‘Classical & Chill’ playlist on Spotify places the finest pieces from each album in one, definitive collection.
So, what are you waiting for? 'Mozart and Chill' is available to stream and download worldwide now.